ISSN 1996-5362

Электронный научный журнал

«Молекулярные технологии»

Том 1, 2007
Том 2, 2008
Том 3, 2009
Том 4, 2010
      4.1. Специальный выпуск (доклады…)
Том 5, 2011
Том 6, 2012


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© ФГУП "НИИПА" 2007-2012


Colloidal Quantum Dots Size Determination by Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy

M.S. Wakstein, N.V. Aratov, V.V. Zosimov
Applied Acoustics Research Institute, High Technologies Center,
Dubna, Moscow region

Optical properties of quantum dots directly depend on their sizes. That is why nanocrystals size determination is an important practical task. The method of atomic force microscopy is convenient for this task due to its sub-nanometer resolution. In this work we have investigated the influence of the tapping mode AFM main device settings on the imaged quantum dots size. Special attention is paid to the methods of sample preparation. The presence of strong electrolyte in the nanoparticles sol allows to deposit separate nanocrystals on the substrate and to measure their sizes accurately.

Keywords: AFM, Tapping Mode, Quantum Dots, Convolution Effect, Size Determination
